Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Jadi saya jauh jauh ke Singapore buat ikutan ....................
Kontes Gambar di Ion Mall


Hr ini ausi, mggu ini proskrip, mggu dpn film, bln ini penelitian, tahun ini exchange. Bismillah

Sunday, February 26, 2012

If I could turn back time I'm gonna be single until now,
Yes I wish....

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ini desa ku mana desamu?


Run run like the wind,
Dont wait for a thing, there is nothing here for you,
But if you stay,
Then let me say,
I'll go out of my way for you,
Its not like before,
I'll say no more,
Everyone else has said it for me.

A beautiful tree
A beautiful tree,
Its a shame that the root of its me.

Sleep sleep on the floor,
knock on the door, to tell me if you want some more,
I cant relate to whats on your plate,
my appitite never failed before,

A beautiful tree,
A beautiful tree,
Its a shame the root of its me.

A beautiful tree,
A beautiful tree,
Its a shame that the root of its me.

Tell me tomorrow ill wait by the window for you

Run run like the wind,
Dont wait for a thing, there is nothing here for you,
But if you stay,
Then let me say,
I'll go out of my way for you,
Its not like before,
I'll say it no more,
Everyone else has said it for me.

A beautiful tree,
A beautiful tree,
Its a shame that the root of its me.

Tell me tomorrow ill wait by the window for you,

I'll wait by a big house for you,
I'll wait by the the squeeze box for you,
I'll wait while your dressing for you.


Nilai (?) Sebenernya definisi dari melihat nilai pada penguhujung kenaikan semester adalah paling memuakkan
Saya, Kinanthi mahasiswi biasa dengan nilai IPK dulu dulu juga biasa, mengalami ini lagi (sedang)
Sebenernya sudah keluar sehabis ujian kemarin, namun kalo yang di web nya hot hot nya lagi sekarang ini
Aduh pusingnya ga ketulungan kenapa harus semester ini sejelek ini haduhhhhh masa proporsinya ngalah ngalahin yang sakit semester lalu
Doakan saya ya Allah
mencapai ilmu kebaikan, nilai memuaskan buat saya dan orang tua saya
Amin ya Allah AMIN

Salam sayang
Kinanthi Husodo-